Agnus Castus

Vitex agnus-castus (Lamiaceae - Mint Family)

Also Known As: Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry

Ayurvedic Names: Not traditionally used

TCM Name: Not traditionally used


Our herbs offer powerful herbal benefits and are not limited to just one category. Discover the full range of what each herb can do:

Mind & Mood: Relaxant, hormonal irritability
Male Health: Prostate support
Female Health: PMS, fertility, menopause


Essential oils: Limonene, sabinene, eucalyptol, beta-caryophyllene, trans-beta-farnesene.
Flavonoids: Vitexin, orientin, methoxylated flavones casticin, eupatorin, penduletin.
Iridoid glycosides: Aucubin, agnuside.
Diterpenes: Rotundifuran, vitexilactone, vitetrifolin B and C, viteagnusins A to I.


Contraindicated with: Birth control, HRT, oestrogens, antipsychotics, dopamine agonists, metoclopramide.